Drug to reduce bleeding could treat COVID-19
A recent study has shown that aprotinin, a drug that reduces the risk of bleeding during surgery, can stop the novel coronavirus from entering host cells. The drug could serve…
A recent study has shown that aprotinin, a drug that reduces the risk of bleeding during surgery, can stop the novel coronavirus from entering host cells. The drug could serve…
Depression and anxiety cases increasement after COVID-19. A hidden epidemic, we just came across an unusual tiredness, drowsiness, lack of courage to perform routine activities. The truth is that if…
New research has found that no currently identified mutation of SARS-CoV-2 appears to make the virus better at transmitting. After studying a significant number of SARS-CoV-2 mutations, the scientists behind…
Дистанционка в школах Москвы с модульным обучением продлится до конца третьего модуля Дистанционный формат обучения для школьников 6-11-х классов в Москве в учреждениях, где действует модульная система, продлится до конца…
Cyberhakerzy upatrzyli sobie nowy cel. Teraz przyglądają się systemowi transportu szczepionki przeciw COVID-19. Pojawiają się obawy, że opóźni to dostawy. Sytuacja pandemiczna sprzyja cyberprzestępstwom. Od wiosny tego roku kolejne kraje…