Covid-19 – Open up to a new market – the heart of Europe is open to your business.

Covid-19 – Open up to a new market – the heart of Europe is open to your business.

Live and invest in the center of Europe.

Start a new life in Poland. It’s a country located in the center of Europe and a member of the European Union. Particularly noteworthy are numerous transit routes and excellent connections with almost every European country. Combined with a stable economic situation and a favorable tax system, the country offers great opportunities. Change your place of residence and choose Poland!

Start investing inside the country of central Europe.

We can help with relocation and prepare a residence permit based on, for example, student status in Poland.

We’ll prepare a business proposal for you that will be customized to your needs and expectations. For a start, we have 3 specific business models for you to choose from!

  • Great Choice Group –51% of shares in one of the limited liability companies chosen by you. We’ll be responsible for the organization, consultation, and legal service, including the creation of a limited liability company, a conclusion of a notarial deed, registration in the National Court Register, IRS (obtaining TIN, Social Insurance Institution), and obtaining all permissions necessary to run a business.
  • Global Information Group, Inc. – 10% of shares in a limited liability company. We’ll provide the legalization of stay, selection of the optimal study major, renting an apartment, and meeting all of the social and living needs.
  • Investor ( You ! )– 39% of shares with 100% of shares in the future. We’ll provide full consultation.


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