Why isn’t the U.S. doing more testing?
Masks, distancing — and tests. Reducing the spread of Covid-19 over the next several months — while vaccines are being distributed — has the potential to save more than…
Masks, distancing — and tests. Reducing the spread of Covid-19 over the next several months — while vaccines are being distributed — has the potential to save more than…
Правительство продлило на январь выдачу бесплатных лекарств заразившихся коронавирусом, которые лечатся дома, заявил глава Минздрава России Михаил Мурашко. Для лечения пациентов с COVID-19 Минздрав одобрил шесть препаратов: фавипиравир, гидроксихлорохин, азитромицин…
A person can transmit HIV through blood, semen, and breast milk. However, HIV cannot survive in saliva, so there is no risk of contracting HIV through kissing. HIV is a…
Coraz więcej pytań do PIP od przedsiębiorców i pracowników.Praca w pandemii. Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy dostaje coraz więcej pytań od przedsiębiorców i pracowników dotyczących ich sytuacji prawnej w okresie pandemii. Wiele…
Hundreds have died from COVID-19 in Texas prisons People in Texas are 490 per cent more likely to contract COVID-19 if they're behind bars, and 140 per cent more likely to…