Eli Glasner: „We had incredible support”
When the pandemic first hit, independent bookstores felt their share of pain. Lockdowns in some regions brought foot traffic to a halt and publishers began holding back titles, waiting for…
When the pandemic first hit, independent bookstores felt their share of pain. Lockdowns in some regions brought foot traffic to a halt and publishers began holding back titles, waiting for…
Important scientific announcements are usually made through peer-reviewed medical research papers, not company press releases. Pfizer’s announcement on Monday that its Covid-19 shot appears to keep nine of 10…
Pandemia Covid-19 może pogorszyć objawy szumów usznych czy też "dzwonienia w uszach". Konsekwencją samej choroby mogą być w dalszej perspektywie także problemy ze słuchem - pisze na łamach czasopisma "Frontiers…
25,2 tys. zakażonych w ciągu ostatniej doby. Epidemia koronawirusa w Polsce lekko zwolniła, ale w szpitalach panuje chaos - brakuje miejsc, leków, personelu, a teraz nawet tlenu. - W niektórych…
Dr. Barbosa noted that once a COVID-19 vaccine is finally available to the public, there will still be many challenges when it comes to distributing it across different populations. According…