Grace Rachmany:”Pozytywne myślenie nie …”
No. Positive thinking will not get us out of the crisis. This is only the first of many crises that are facing humanity and we need to step up and…
No. Positive thinking will not get us out of the crisis. This is only the first of many crises that are facing humanity and we need to step up and…
Thoughts of the future in the times of the Pandemic Hello friends! These times that we are facing, allow me to let you know, that firstly ; We are all…
Pandemia, wydaje się, nieco przygasa, co widać na rynkach giełdowych. Jak to jest w Polsce? Od połowy marca 2020 r. polski rynek stopniowo się stabilizuje. Widać to zarówno w…
In this Opinion piece, there are a couple of observations arising from COVID19 in the Kenyan context since the National dusk to dawn curfew was introduced in March of…
The Covid- 19 or “Corona Viral Disease” is not only globally spread out as a Pandemic but also the greatest disaster on many levels and factors. The numbers, statistics on…