Canada amid concerns over COVID-19 spread.
School resumes virtually and in person across Canada amid concerns over COVID-19 spread. Students across Canada returned to class following the holiday break on Monday, with some provinces opting to…
School resumes virtually and in person across Canada amid concerns over COVID-19 spread. Students across Canada returned to class following the holiday break on Monday, with some provinces opting to…
U.K. scientists worry vaccines may not protect against variant found in South Africa. U.K. scientists expressed concern on Monday that COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out in Britain may not be…
В такие сложные периоды для человечества, подобных тому, в каком мы живём сейчас, очень важно сохранять оптимизм и позитив. Видеть смыслы в происходящих событиях; излучать уверенность в том, что все…
At least 33 countries have identified infections with the new, more contagious variant of the virus first found in Britain. That list of countries that have identified infections involving the…
Były premier i obecny europoseł Leszek Miller pochwalił się w mediach społecznościowych, że zaszczepił się na Covid-19. Na dowód upublicznił zdjęcie dokumentu, który potwierdza ten fakt. Internauci zwrócili uwagę na…