Jesse Domingo:”Coronavirus: The 4 Deadly Parasites of COVID-19″
Yes. You read it right. More than just the strands of SARS-CoV-2 that we heard of, COVID-19 has 4 deadly parasites that are stuck on its tracks. What, 4 parasites!?…
Yes. You read it right. More than just the strands of SARS-CoV-2 that we heard of, COVID-19 has 4 deadly parasites that are stuck on its tracks. What, 4 parasites!?…
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский заявил, что если не остановить в стране рост числа случаев коронавируса, то пик заболевания произойдет прямо посреди лета. Об этом сообщилив пресс-службе Офиса президента. По словам…
At least 54,000 residents and employees of nursing homes and long-term care facilities have died from the coronavirus, according to a New York Times database, accounting for 43 percent of…
Zapytaliśmy Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny (GIS), który nadzoruje w Polsce system szczepień, czy w jakikolwiek sposób przygotowuje się do ewentualnego wprowadzenia szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19. I kto w Polsce dostanie ją jako…
"COVID-19 pandemic gradually changed the way of our thinking and our everyday lives. The first positive moment is that we learned the culture of “being sick”. In Asia, many people…